

王维平 邹秋平 李清华 李强 戴强生 刘江辉 王科科 何明钎

 作者单位:510080 中山大学附属第一医院急诊外科(王维平 邹秋平李强 戴强生 刘江辉 王科科 何明钎);广东省东莞市人民医院(邹秋平) 广东省东莞市洪梅医院(李清华)

【摘要】目的:观察创面渗液对体外成纤维细胞生长的影响,探讨促进压力性溃疡愈合的方法及其机制。 方法 :共选取18例压力性溃疡患者,将其随机分成治疗组(波浪床结合封闭式负压引流,n=8)和对照组(波浪床结合传统换药方法,n=10),收集第1,3,7天创面渗液,进行体外成纤维细胞生长干预实验。 结果: 第1天两组渗液都抑制细胞的生长;对照组第3天渗液仍然抑制细胞生长,而实验组却促进细胞生长;两组第7天的渗液都促进细胞的生长。结论:慢性创面渗液抑制成纤维细胞生长,波浪床结合封闭式负压引流治疗压力性溃疡能更快的改变创面渗液的活性以促进成纤维细胞增生。


Effect of the pressure ulcer wound fluid to fibroblast proliferation by multi-wave bed combined together with vacuum-assisted closure WANG Wei-ping, ZOU Qiu-ping, LI Qing-hua,LI Qiang, DAI Qiang-sheng, LIU Jiang-hui, WANG Ke-ke, HE Ming-qian.

[Abstract] Objective: to observe the effect of wound fluids in growth of fibroblast in vitro and further investigates the method and mechanism to accelerate the healing of pressure ulcer. Methods: 18 patients with pressure ulcer were involved and randomly allocated to treatment group (Waves-bed and vacuum-assisted closure, n=8) and control group (Waves-bed and ordinary dressing, n=10). Wound fluids were collected in the first, third, seventh day and used to interfere in the growth of fibroblast in vitro. Results: both of wound fluids from two groups inhibited the growth of fibroblast in the first day; wound fluids from control group remained to inhibit cell growth while treatment group promoted in the third day; both of wound fluids accelerated cell growth in the seventh day. Conclusion: Fluids in chronic wound inhibit the growth of fibroblast. The treatment of pressure ulcer with Waves-bed and vacuum-assisted closure can elevate the activity of wound fluids to accelerate the proliferation of fibroblast.

压力性溃疡(pressure ulcer,以下简称PU)仍然是卫生保健机构所面临的共同难题[1]。PU给患者及其家庭、社会带来沉重的身体、精神及经济负担。

创面封闭式负压引流(vacuum-assisted closure,以下简称VAC)已经被应用于各类急、慢性伤口,尤其适合于各类其他传统外科方法无效的慢性难愈性伤口以及不能立即进行确定性外科治疗的伤口。但由于材料的原因限制了它的推广应用。我们自2004年9月开始,因地制宜取材,使用VAC方法,结合波浪床对压力性溃疡进行防治。在治疗的过程中,我们收集渗液,用来干预体外培养的成纤维细胞生长,具体情况报告如下:


一 病例选择标准

1)入选标准:①PUⅣ期 ;②Braden’s 评分【1】≤17分(评分细则见表2.1,总分低于17分为高危)


二 一般资料

共分析了18个PU创面(以下均简称创面),来自18例患者,其中男13例,女5例;年龄28~93岁,平均年龄63.6岁;原发病为脑血管病后遗症者11例,截瘫患者4例,骨折病人3例; PUSH Tool评分【2】为(14.62±3.52)分。

三 治疗措施







− 1 = 5
