2014年版 压疮的预防与治疗:快速参考指南 – 中文版、英文版、芬兰语版、葡萄牙语版


2014 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide
2014年版 压疮的预防与治疗:快速参考指南

This quick reference guide was developed by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. It presents a comprehensive review and appraisal of the best available evidence at the time of literature search related to the assessment, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The recommendations in this quick reference guide are a general guide to appropriate clinical practice, to be implemented by qualified health professionals subject to their clinical judgment of each individual case and in consideration of the patient consumer’s personal preferences and available resources. The guide should be implemented in a culturally aware and respectful manner in accordance with the principles of protection, participation and partnership.


注:本内容版权为 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance 所有,在此仅供专业医务人员个人学习、研究及检阅。若做其它用途均与本站无关!并请至原网站购买($25.00 USD)。


2014版 褥疮防治:快速参考指南 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide
Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide



6 条评论

  1. 王细文

    我想要2014年版 压疮的预防与治疗:快速参考指南 – 中文版,谢谢!

  2. 黄永珍

    杨老师,您好!我也特想要2014年版 压疮的预防与治疗:快速参考指南 – 中文版,谢谢!深圳市宝安区石岩医院,内科,黄永珍

  3. 林颖


  4. puolder


  5. 高淑丽

    杨老师,您好!我也特想要2014年版 压疮的预防与治疗:快速参考指南 – 中文版,谢谢!黑龙江省鹤岗矿总院,老年病料 高淑丽

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